Zodiac Sign Overview
Discover your astral profile thanks to the Zodiac!
Often popularised at the end of magazines, the study of our zodiac signs and our horoscopes is a real science. For centuries, European and Chinese astrologers have looked at this analysis to better understand the world around us and help individuals see more clearly in their lives... and their future!
Compiled by our team, here is an overview of the profiles of each Zodiac sign and what they can reveal about you. Qualities, weaknesses, accounts: find out what your birth sign says about you! Want to know more and go further? Rather than offering you general trends on your sign, we invite you to consult one of our clairvoyants so that they can create a real personalized astral profile for you.
Aries (21 March - 20 April)
Aries in general is a challenger and a competitor. They like to be noticed and dominate in every situation. Impulsive and brash, they find it difficult to strike a balance. They have no limits one way or the other and can therefore overflow with enthusiasm and anger at times. Do not provoke an Aries, nor attempt to lie to them or to manipulate Them! However, they are very reliable sincere, and determined individuals. They are very close to those around them, family and friends are essential in their environment, and they are known for their very protective side.
- Modig
- Uavhengig
- Leder
- Agressive
- Self-centered
Perfect Match
Aries, Leo, Saggittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Favourable Matches
Virgo and Pisces
Unfavourable Matches
Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio
Taurus (21 April - 21 May)
Taurus are very thrifty by nature, so they spend very little and never waste. Except when it comes to what is good and beautiful because they are very greedy and great lovers of art. They are very conservative of their routine and their daily life, they are often a homebody and protector of their interior where few people enter! A very sensual and tactile sign, the sense of touch is very important to them. Their planet is Venus which explains why they are marked by love, attraction, beauty, and creativity. It is a sign of someone who likes to take care of their environment - a very good cook too! It should be remembered that this is a very stubborn sign with great determination. Fans of the rough, go your way!
- Determined
- Reliable
- Stable
- Materialist
- Possessive
Perfect Match
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Favourable Matches
Leo and Libra
Unfavourable Matches
Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius
Gemini (22 May - 21 June)
Gemini are very positive and smiley, which makes them outgoing people who adapt quickly to a new environment. Their ease of communication often makes them seductive and makes them very good orators with persuasive speeches. Gemini are smart and like to keep up to date with the latest trends. Their lively and inquisitive minds sometimes develop a pretentious character. They are very creative and appreciate the novelty. Gemini hates routine, and will always prefer change to stability. They particularly enjoy traveling. Be careful, however, this sign hardly handles criticism well!
- Intelligent
- Communicative
- Sociable
- Superficial
- Temperamental
Perfect Match
Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Favourable Matches
Sagittarius, Virgo and Capricorn
Unfavourable Matches
Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Cancer (22 June to 22 July)
Cancers are mysterious, full of complexities, fragile, hyper-sensitive, unpredictable, and capricious. Cancer, more than other astral signs, need constant support and encouragement. Cancer likes to feel important to others. Even when a cancer is achieving their goals, they can be irritable and cranky. People with the Cancer sign have a difficult, delicate temperament and most of the time they feel uncomfortable. The adversarial nature of cancer makes them moody, with frequent mood swings sometimes accompanied by violent tantrums. They are Hypersensitive and easily offended. Injured, a person with the cancer sign can easily indulge in self-pity and fall into a form of depression that makes them sulky.
- Helpful
- Supporting
- Emphatic
- Deponent
- Passive-agressive
Perfect Match
Leo and Sagittarius,
Favourable Matches
Leo and Sagittarius
Unfavourable Matches
Aries, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Leo (23 July - 22 August)
Faithful in love, towards their relatives or others, people born as Leo's are people who keep their word. They are also honest, loyal, upright, frank, very generous, warm, proud, and ambitious being. Moreover, this ambition sometimes seems disproportionate, which forces them to have an arduous will in the accomplishment of their occupations in order to achieve excellence and obtain success, glory as well as prestige. They are generous beings, guarantors of the safety and happiness of their loved ones. A good head of the family, they are prestigious and honest to the family and emotional level as well as on the professional level.
- Brave
- Generous
- Protective
- Dominant
- Stubborn
Perfect Match
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra
Favourable Matches
Taurus, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Unfavourable Matches
Virgo and Capricorn
Virgo (23 August - 22 September)
Virgo is a sign that is distinguished by its relevance and modesty. Virgo has the attitude to do well rather than the attitude to shine in the eyes of others. They are a personality that calls upon their mind rather than their personal feelings to make it happen. So don't ask a Virgo to follow their intuition, on the contrary! Virgos are careful, meticulous, and reasonable. Those born under this sign have real gifts for teaching as their communication is fluid and their joy in transmitting their sincere knowledge! They know how to ensure the comfort of those close to them and will never forget the small detail that touches in this direction, which makes them touching and reveals their affectivity.
- Modest
- Organized
- Responsable
- Obsessive
- Perfectionist
Perfect Match
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio
Favourable Matches
Leo and Aquarius
Unfavourable Matches
Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra
Libra (23 September - 22 October)
Libras are charming, sociable, tender, flexible, altruistic, generous, devoted to the point of making people believe that they can be abused. On the contrary, they know very well how to make things to their advantage. Hating conflict, they often play the role of mediator. They need others to satisfy their need for communication. Very diplomatic, they have a flair for business relations and enjoy being surrounded by often organising parties at home. Adoring cleanliness and order, they like to live at ease, comfortably, sometimes surrounded by luxury. Art and music enchant them. Very fine psychologically, they can become manipulative. Some may have complex and paradoxical personalities, even appearing superficial with a pronounced taste for luxury, ambition, and vanity. But hating vulgarity and filth and ugliness, they have refined, elegant tastes.
- Charming
- Diplomatic
- Elegant
- Undecided
- Hypocrite
Perfect Match
Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Favourable Matches
Aries, Taurus and Pisces
Unfavourable Matches
Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio
Scorpio (23 October - 22 November)
Loyal and direct, they are determined, generous, kind, and a bit idealistic. The Scorpio is placed well under the sign of conflicts and fantasies. They, therefore, tend to overflow with passions and feelings. However, Scorpio knows how to control their instincts. With a strong personality, Scorpios don't let themselves be walked all over - Firm and courageous, they can appear skittish, even harsh. Nervous when feeling attacked by another, Scorpios are also particularly jealous and suspicious.
- Motivating
- Passionate
- Determined
- Jealous
- Resentful
Perfect Match
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Favourable Matches
Aries and Leo
Unfavourable Matches
Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Sagittarius (23 November - 21 December)
The dominant character of Sagittarius is their optimism. They forgive and forget the harm that has been done to them. However, they are dissatisfied beings. They are not satisfied with what they have, so they can be jealous of their acquaintances when they start to constantly compare themselves to them. They are someone who hates well-established habits, daily routines, so they can be impulsive and thoughtless: act first, think afterward. On the side of their intelligence, they are a proud being who has difficulty accepting criticism. Their great susceptibility makes them rebellious and sometimes even arrogant creatures.
- Ambitious
- Optimist
- Polyvalent
- Agitated
- Tactless
Perfect Match
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Favourable Matches
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Unfavourable Matches
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Capricorn (22 December - 20 January)
People born as Capricorns are serious and somewhat selfish, and hostile. They have the ingenuity which makes it possible to find one's business everywhere, to adapt to abundance and famine, to peace and to war. These are people who adapt to their current environment. They achieve what is necessary with a kind of unconscious and inevitable selfishness since it is the engine of their way of acting and thinking. They can be represented as the ant: vigorous, tireless, worried, relentless, and melancholy. Their character can be thoughtless at times, going for anything - Natural selfishness can be tempered by a deep sense of duty.
- Patient
- Responsable
- Tenacious
- Pessimistic
- Agitated
Perfect Match
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Favourable Matches
Leo and Libra
Unfavourable Matches
Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius
Aquarius (21 January - 19 February)
Aquarians are frequently endowed with a brilliant mind and a special intelligence that often borders on genius. Infinitely intuitive and atypical in their way of reasoning, Aquarians, under an apparent coldness, are very sensitive people. Original and in love with humanism, Aquarians have a highly developed spirit of rebellion and are attracted to the defense of the great causes and values of freedom, equality, and justice. They enjoy all kinds of walkabouts and do not know the meaning of the word 'loneliness'. With them, you will never be bored.
- Inventive
- Friendly
- Altruist
- Irresponsible
- Cold
Perfect Match
Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Favourable Matches
Scorpio and Pisces
Unfavourable Matches
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Cancer
Pisces (20 February - 20 March)
Pisces are loyal, selfless, and very generous. Pisces have a sensitive personality, which explains their great tolerance. They can always listen to others, even going so far as to sacrifice themselves for them. Very understanding, their character often pushes them to help others. They feel the desire to console others, to comfort them and they want to heal everyone. They do not like aggression. One of the qualities of Pisces is that it can adapt to all situations and people. They are an open, but discreet being. They like to respect those around them, but the people born under this sign are also a being who does not confide easily. They don't easily express their feelings either. They is shy and proud, but also a pessimist and tend to indulge in sadness and melancholy.
- Intuitive
- Creative
- Romantic
- Absent-minded
- Malleable
Perfect Match
Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Favourable Matches
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Virgo
Unfavourable Matches
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius